Meet a studio member: Deb Dineen

Meet a studio member: Deb Dineen

What brought you to yoga?  Life is going by so fast, I felt caught up in a race, and my concerns were centered around my ego. I wanted more out of my life, but there had to be more to life than worrying about the future. The chatter in my head was driving me crazy,...

Class Spotlight: Meditative Yin Yoga

“Vinyasa is the warm, energizing, active, yang side of our practice. Yin is the cool, still, calming side,” says Rebekah, who is teaching our newest offering “slow flow and yin.” While Vinyasa focuses on strengthening and stretching our musculature, Yin takes deep...

Meet a Studio Member: Emma

Meet a Studio Member: Emma

What brought you to yoga? I can’t recall my very first experience with yoga, but maybe five to six years ago I found myself in a heated vinyasa flow class with my personal trainer at the time. She wanted me to add yoga to an already intense exercise program, coupled...

It’s Time for You Time

It’s Time for You Time

Two years ago, I was working a 40 hour a week job, teaching yoga 4 days a week, completing my 500 hour yoga certification, and attempting to train and wrangle a new puppy we had recently brought home. And on top of all of that, I wanted to be great partner and friend...

Student Feature: Shannon

Student Feature: Shannon

What brought you to yoga? I started going to yoga classes when I was struggling to get pregnant. My doctor recommended it instead of more high impact and intense exercise and to reduce stress. I loved it, and now have three daughters. What's your favorite thing about...

Student Feature – Kristi!

Student Feature – Kristi!

Kristi has been a student here since we first opened, and has been participating in our January intention challenge. You can spot her by her big smile, easy laugh, and her fun, pink hair. As of today she has been to 17 classes in the month of January, and is just 4...

Kitten Yoga

Kitten Yoga

On Saturday, December 3rd, about 20 yogis and 5 kittens got together for our first ever Kitten Yoga in support of HART of Maine and raised $360 for the shelter. "SACO — Yoga is all about focus and concentration, but at the Samudra Studio on Saturday the 20 yoga...

The Thursday Night Slow Down

The Thursday Night Slow Down

Class feature! The Thursday Night Slow Down. This class is a great way to slow things down at the end of a busy week, to get the nourishment and rest you need while getting some stretching in as well! We are all going so fast all of the time, and this class encourages...



I recently attended an exhibit on Wonder at the Renwick Gallery in Washington, DC with a dear friend. Each room and exhibit was built to create a sense of awe – as I entered each room I found myself gasping and feeling like a little kid again. One room contained walls...

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