Musings from a Yogi In Training
On my couch one night, scrolling through the social medias, a video caught my attention. There, on my iPhone, was a woman of color, a woman of size, practicing yoga. Her poses weren’t perfect. Her flow was not graceful. Yet she unabashedly honored herself, her...
Home Practice Meditation
I just had a myth busted for me. The myth that it takes 21 days to build a new habit. Psychologists now think that it can actually take anywhere from eight to twelve weeks for a new habit to feel like it’s an automatic response and become a part of daily life. With...
Teacher Highlight: Kristine
“I feel as though I have been bestowed a gift, one that I share full hearted-edly,” says Kristine, which is why, just three months ago, she quit her full time job to follow her dream of teaching yoga. Kristine, 42, began her yoga practice 15 years ago through reading...
Mini Home Practice and Meditation – Self Care Throwdown Week 2
We’ve heard from some of you that you feel like you missed the boat on the #selfcarethrowdown because you didn’t get to dive right in on October 1st. But good news, self care happens anytime and all the time; you haven’t missed anything! It’s not too late to commit to...
10 Minute Home Practice – Self Care Throwdown Week One
This month we're challenging ourselves to consistent self care and committing to practice three times a week at the studio plus supplementing with home practice. Why three times? It’s the quickest way to begin to see RESULTS in your physical practice in terms of...
Perfection Is Not the Goal
Long before embarking on my journey to become a yoga teacher and studio owner, I worked for a company that encouraged us to write down our personal goals for the next one, three, and five years. It sounded easy at first, but when I actually sat down to write, I found...
Studio Member Feature: Heidi
What brought you to yoga? When I was a student at University of Maine Farmington, I waitressed at a local restaurant and got to know my regular customers. Amanda Murray, who was in her late 60s at the time, and her husband frequented the restaurant. I learned she was...
How a Tiny Apartment in New York City Helped me Become a Yoga Teacher
Yoga started for me as an escape from a stressful situation. I was living in New York City in a tiny apartment where there was never silence, and it did not agree with me. I spent that year in New York waiting for the lease to be over so I could get out of there; to...
Kitten Yoga with HART of Maine
We had another fun evening of Kitten Yoga with Hart of Maine. Thanks to their matching of donations this summer, we raised just under $1000, and sent them home with lots of supplies for cats as well! We look forward to the next event.
Meet A Samudra Teacher: Sarah L
Sarah Lafortune attended the first Maine YogaFest in 2013 as a yogi practitioner, but after attending a workshop with Jacqui Bonwell, she felt compelled to learn more. “Not only did I love the physical practice, but I was so intrigued by the history of the practice,...