When I stumbled across the beautiful spot Samudra now calls home just a little over two years ago, I knew I had found something special. A feeling in my bones said, “This is the place.” I went home and told my incredible husband, who came down to see it with me a few days later, and though I balked and hesitated and was terrified and said, well, maybe it’s not right, he said, “No, THIS is the spot.”
I knew it was. We both knew it was. And so, I found myself giving my notice at work and diving into the process of turning an empty room in Saco into a yoga oasis.
I am blown away by the support of everyone who has passed through the studio doors: the friends and family who volunteered time, energy, and talent to help paint, brainstorm, and create a yoga studio; the teachers who worked through the early days as we figured out a studio identity, as we had days of no students showing up, or that one or two students who would get a private lesson every week and came back time and time again (thank you for being here through it all!); and the team that has come together with the intention of community, love, and sharing of warmth and healing.
To the extraordinary friends, family, and support team around me that has provided space and support for me to follow a dream…without you none of this would be here. To Chris- who has reminded me that “YES YOU CAN do this” and has reminded me of that on the days when I was tired, or scared, or maybe just had too many cups of coffee – thanks for holding the vision with me and encouraging me to JUMP.
To Sarah, who was once the only student on Saturday mornings, and came back time and time again, and has now become an amazing copilot and codreamer…thank you for dreaming and creating with me!
To the extraordinary teachers, members, community, the team that makes the studio tick, our volunteers, our out of town visitors who come see us when they are in Maine, to everyone who has stepped through and shared space here….deepest gratitude to you. Without you, this place is just a room.
Here’s to year three and beyond. I cannot WAIT to see what lies ahead on this beautiful path.
With deep love and gratitude,