I was first introduced to yoga when I was younger with my friends in Vermont. I fell in love with the quiet and peaceful feeling during and after class. I have had favorite studios to go to in Vermont and places in Boston that I attended, but none have ever been as welcoming as Sumudra has been for me.
I moved to Maine in September with a bubbling excitement to live near the ocean, though it made me nervous to be in such a new place with new people. Samudra was the first place outside of work I visited in Maine, and I remember feeling a bit nervous driving to my first class. When I arrived I was given a warm welcome, and I was immediately drawn to the friendly and accepting community atmosphere and felt welcomed by members and other teachers there.
I couldn’t stop smiling on my drive home after that first class… it was that amazing feeling where you are reminded that life is pretty darn remarkable, and you can’t help but feel really happy.
Though I was aware of the benefits of yoga, just this past year I became inspired by them. I have read books on love by the Dalai Lama, Messages from Buddha, The Book of Joy by Desmond Tutu, Douglas Abrams, and The Dalai Lama, downloaded the Headspace app for meditation and mindfulness, and have been taking lessons learned at the studio back home.
Many lessons have stuck with me, and I practice awareness whenever I can. I began to realize the benefits yoga and meditation had on my anxiety, happiness, and relationships. Some time set aside each day for mindfulness can bring peace and harmony to my inner being, and help illuminate and warm myself and others. Yoga can help me feel open, aware, and grounded in practice, and can help make room for positive thoughts outside of Asana. These lessons had always been available to me, but it wasn’t until I really committed to practice that they became reality. I still fall into unhealthy habits of stress and excuse, and forget that a studio is waiting for me just down the road… so it is always nice to have support and encouragement to practice from my family and friends! I am so happy to say that my sister and mom have become inspired by yoga as well, and we plan to practice over winter break!
As my interest in Samudra and the practice of yoga grew, I became involved through assisting with social media marketing.. When the opportunity to partake in yoga teacher training presented itself, I couldn’t resist 200 hours of in depth practice with some truly amazing yogis.
These opportunities were so exciting for me because teaching and social media could help allow space to share my interest and passion for the benefits of yoga and community outward to others. I want to give back what was once given to me… friends, laughter, love, appreciation, and self care. I want to express how truly special Samudra has been these past couple of months, and let any Maine newcomers know there will always be Sangha in Saco.
As months have passed and into December I have gained an entire new yoga family and many new friends. I feel at home when I walk through the studio doors, and am excited to further take my passion into teaching and through my internship. When I am not practicing yoga or reading about it, I love taking walks, crafting, and making/eating cookies! I look forward to more yoga, mediation, and further friendships, and I am so thankful to be where I am today.
Anna joined the team as Samudra’s social media intern over the summer and will complete her 200 hour teacher training this April.