
I recently attended an exhibit on Wonder at the Renwick Gallery in Washington, DC with a dear friend. Each room and exhibit was built to create a sense of awe – as I entered each room I found myself gasping and feeling like a little kid again. One room contained walls covered completely in marbles, another a giant rainbow colored net that changed colors and draped from the ceiling. People lay on pillows on the floor, staring up and taking it all in. Pausing to experience and feel this sense of amazement at the beauty surrounding us.
It got me thinking: what would it be like to not only experience gratitude for the many wonderful things in life, but also to be amazed continuously by the tiny details? To not only be grateful for how beautiful the Portland views of the ocean are, but also to be in awe of its existence. This month, let’s practice not only gratitude, but amazement at the beauty and the people around us. Let’s be full of wonder. Let’s be wonder full.